Let’s get together for an evening of food, drink, drums, dance and loving thank you’s to the most amazingly supportive couple ever, Dr. Richard Culbertson and Susan Leary. We’re having a hafla in their honor and all are welcome.
A hafla is a Middle Eastern dance party. Old and new students, friends, spouses, and anyone interested in checking out the studio and experiencing MENAHT dance, aka Belly Dance, is welcomed to join us. Drinks, finger foods, chips and dips, and sweets are welcome. BONUS if they come from an area that is connected to the dance, i.e. Middle East, North African, Turkey and Greece.
This is NOT A PERFORMANCE. No stage. No lineup. There will be a mix of live music and canned. Feel free to be as sparkly as you want, or not.
Monetary donations to the studio are always welcomed.